So I've been doing a lot of thinking here lately... My last assignment in my pyschology class was to read a article about Our needs and wants in life. The last part of the article talked about accomplishment and happiness within oneself. I had to write a summary after reading the article and when i was finished it really made me think. The article talked about how everyone wants to be happy:) noone wants to wake up and say "well.. I think i wanna be mad at the world today." But even though everyone strives to be happy.. so many people truly deep down inside are not. So many people where a smile and go day by day and noone knows how upset they are truly. So many times we get caught up in the ways of the world and forget to go after what makes us truly happy. The article said everyone has something they are truly good at and that makes them happy and when we find what that is we should go after it:)
So many times we conform to the ways of the world and fall into what people have labeled us to be. When really we should be the UNIQUE human being that God formed before we were even born:) Romans 12:1 :)We were born in His thought and made my Him! How Amazing is that!! and we should be who He intended us to be. People can label us and make us into something that we are not. But God is truly the Only One who knows who we truly are.
Now having all of that said, true happiness doesnt come from things of the world. Yes, things in life make us happy of course:) but they fade away. The only One who does not fade away and can fill that void in our lives forever is JESUS CHRIST Himself:) To be truly happy we must pursue God. So many times I get caught up in the ways of the world and forget what I was truly created for. We were Created to worship Him:) We get caught up in the busyness of life and forget to Pray, read the Bible, attend Church, or even witness to others. I cant imagine how happy God is when we take the time to Pray:) God showers us with blessings everyday that we dont even think about. I believe if we would just pursue Him we will be truly happy:)
Every promise God has made to us He is gonna fulfill. He has created everyone of us with a purpose and designed us for His work.
Im not exactly sure why this came to my mind. But after writing that summary and watching the Basement on tv.. I have been thinking alot about it:)
I want to be a light in the World for God:) and after reading that article it made me realize you never know what is behind that smile. So i want to strive to make others happy and live my life for His Glory.
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