November is already here!! I can not believe how fast this year has flown by. On the bright side I have had an amazing year so far:) God has Blessed me beyond. If I tried to write them all down I would have a never ending list.
Since everyone on facebook is doing the thankful posts I decided I would do them on here to. Let's see how far I get...
1.I am thankful that I serve an Awesome God. He equips me with the strength I need to get through each day. His mercy is never ending and I am so underserving of it every single day. This past year I have began to seek Him like never before. & this is only the start of it! I am looking forward to gaining new heights as I grow in Him each day!
2.I am beyond thankful for my family. I have been highly Blessed with a mother and father who support me in all that I do. I know that they are Praying for me everyday and their Prayers get me through the day. All through out high school they both supported me in everything that I did. Whether they were up reading over my essays, helping with college applications, driving me to anywhere and everywhere, paying for all of my supplies, watching me compete in whatever competition it was, spending their time volunteering so I could be part of a team, or just Praying for me when I needed it... they have both always been there for me. My little sister... she is not just my little sister but she is my very best friend:) no matter what she always has a smile on her face and she has an amazing personality. Anyone who is around her is bound to be smiling when they leave. She is definitly a gift from God.
3. Church. God has Blessed me with parents who have taken me to Church and had me involved in Church since the day I was born. Both of my grandfathers were Preachers and I thank God for their influence in my life. I am thankful for Longview Church of God... where I grew up and made many life long friends, met many people who influenced my life greatly, and learned so much about God. I am also thankful for Faith Baptist Church where everyone has been so great to my family. They all welcomed us as if we had been there all our lives. I am thankful that my family is very involved in Faith Baptist in many ways. Cornerstone Revival Center...I can not say enough words about this Church. Every Service is filled with the annointing of the Holy Ghost and God speaks to every heart. I can not wait for Sunday each week because of the sweet Presence that I feel while I am there. Sunday night if I could sleep through the week and wake up the next morning and it be Sunday again I would be up for it:) haha. I am very thankful for everyone there and how welcome they have each made me feel. I know God is doing great things!
4. Tanner Lee Cottingham. I am very thankful for a boyfriend who is not just my boyfriend but he is my best friend. We have been through so much together and I do not regret a thing. He is unlike any other boy I know and I thank God for that. He is so smart and full of Godly wisdom. he puts up with me no matter and I thank him for that. he is truly an Answer to Prayer. I thank God for the past year that I got to spend with him and I can only hope for many more to come:)
5. Friends. I thank God for all of the many friends that I have. :)
6. Tanner's family (each one... too many to name:)) I can not begin to say how thankful I am for Tanner's parents. They have been there for him and I in everything that we do. It feels great to know that they support is no matter what we do! To know they Pray for us every day makes me smile:) I am very Blessed to say that these two Godly people are a part of my life. And all of the little ones.(5 of them) I am Blessed every time I get to babysit them just because it is crazy how many new things you can learn from little kids and how they can make you smile.
7. Job. I recently got a job and it is proof that God shows up just when we need Him. I applied for this job in July and they called me in October. The same day that they called for my interview I had just decided I was going to apply somewhere else because I needed something.
8. College. I thank God that he gave me the courage and perserverance to stay up all those late nights during high school and to achieve the goals I achieved. I give God all the glory for the full ride I got to wallace and all the extra money to go with it. It is definilty a Blessing to wake up and know that as of now I have no student loans.
9. Music. Music is a big part of my life. Getting ready, riding to work, riding to school, doing homework, or laying in bed. I am always listening to music. It is crazy how a song can get to you and brighten your day.
10. the little things. :) so many times they go unnoticed in our lifes. I need to stop and take the time to thank God for the little things. like soap(without it we would be yucky!!) food, water, my bed, medicine, and so many other little things that are a daily part of my life.
11. The big things:) crazy as it seems so many times I get caught up in every day things and I even forget to take the time to thank God for the big things. my house, my car, everything:)
12. Prayer. This should be at the top of my list. I love the feeling of talking to God and knowing that He is listening! So many times we get caught up in life and began to tell ourselves this problem is just too big I will never get past it. When really we should be giving it God and submitting our lives to Him. Nothing is to big for our God!
13.Everything!! I am thankful for everything. My God has Blessed me with more than I ever deserve. I have been discouraged, happy, sad, mad, angry, upset and all of the above. I have quesitoned God and wondered why me. But last night it hit me all of sudden. And God began to tell me mallory its not why me God? instead it is WHY NOT ME GOD?:) This past year has been amazing in a million different ways. I am going to keep my head up and not get discouraged for my morning will come:)
Speaking of being thankful we are so very thankful to have you a part of our lives as well. Those little ones love you too and talk about you even when you are not here. You are a very special young lady and we cannot wait to see where God is taking you. We Love You! All of us lol!