It has been forever since I have updated anything on here. I have been extremely busy. Softball season was practice everyday and if not practice then a game and sometimes tournaments on the weekends! and since my sister is on jv and im on varsity i went to pretty much every game there was. Cheerleading tryouts were in March! I am officially a senior cheerleader:) I was an usherette for graduation this year. So the past two weeks were filled with so much. Between bachelorette practice and the service, graduation practice, senior pizza party, last will and testament and graduation i was busy. And on top of all of that most teachers did not exempt anyone from semester tests:( My history exam ended up being 11 pages front and back of my own writing. My math exam was a review from all semester. My english exam was two discussion questions and a test. My anatomy exam was the disection of the sheep heart!! I am so glad that school is officially out and it is summer:)
I got a summer honors scholarship to wallace for this summer so I am taking western civ and psychology just to kinda get my feet wet in it and experience what college is like before I hit it full force.
My sister is playing on a travel softball team this summer called intensity!! They have tournaments every weekend. So far they have played in huntsville, good hope, gadsden and i think one more??? But she likes it and its fun going to watch and getting to spend all day at the ball park!!
With all of this I have been mowing my grandma and my great aunts yard once a week and babysitting soemtimes!!!
But by far I love my life and everyone in it:) God has blessed me for sure.
Church is going amazing!! Our preacher got the news last wednesday that the doctors were fifty percent sure he had cancer. Our service last Sunday was extremely sad but I could definitly feel God's presence there. I had to leave early to make it to graduation but everyone said it was great!! Well the doctors called Bro. Jeff this thursday, a week after they told him they were fifty percent sure he had cancer and a day after they did the byopsy.. Doctor said Bro. Jeff would you like to hear some good news??? NO CANCER!!! PRAISE THE LORD!! and now you can only imagine how our service went this morning:) it lasted a while and everyone knew at the end of the serive that no matter what you go through or where you are in life. God is with you. He said I will never leave you nor forsake you!!!
I am about to get some sleep or study!! But I have had a blast over these past few months but I have been as busy as everything. I have pictures of graduation, softball, and random stuff to put on here soon!!
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